I know this is a little different than my typical post topics, but since dying my hair pink, I've been asked often how the pink color lasts so long. I learned a really great secret to making the vibrant color last, so I'm here today to share that crucial little nugget of information with you!

The first secret to lasting pink (or any color) hair is to get to know Michelle Douma in Grand Rapids, MI so she (or your normal hair stylist) can talk through all your options - and remind you that box die is not the way to go!

Then, if you have dark hair like me, you'll need to lighten your hair so it will take the color. Michelle and I decided that a balayage was the best option for me. Roots already showing = less color maintenance on my end.

Then, the SECRET that everyone needs to know is to use colored shampoo! I'm not talking about slightly tinted purple shampoo, I'm telling you that this shampoo is the only source of pink color in my hair! I went with Celeb Luxury because I had heard good things about it and Michelle recommended it. I started with their Light Pink Colorwash, but landed on the Hot Pink Colorwash because my hair took it better.

One of the best parts of using colored shampoo is that once your hair is lightened appropriately, your color is really in your control (and it's hard to mess up). You could use the colored shampoo once ever few washes for a more subtle look (like in these pictures), or you could use it every time you wash for a more vibrant color.

This post is a bit of an ode to my pink hair, as I've decided to let it fade out to make room for my next fun hair adventure! Hello and goodbye, pink hair!