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  • Writer's pictureAlex Rathbun

5 things you need in your office this winter

5 things you need in your office this winter

If you're like me, you need all your senses to be juuust right in order to focus hard and get your work done. That truth stands regardless of where I'm working - a coffee shop, my couch, or my office. One of my favorite things about working from home is that I get to control my atmosphere completely (lighting, music, temperature, decor, etc.). While not everyone has this luxury, there are things you can control in your workplace to make your work both more focused and more enjoyable! Here are the 5 things you need in your office this winter:

1. Start your day with a happy light

Most mornings for me start with turning on my therapy light/happy light while I plan out my day. This is an especially helpful routine to help you wake up if you start work before the sun decides to rise. I have this one. I like that it's small, dimmable, affordable, and pretty cute!

2. Stay warm with a space heater

Use a space heater

We originally purchased this space heater while camping in 30 degree weather in May. Little did I know, it would be perfect for my future home office! If you are always cold and your workplace allows it, a space heater is a nice way to provide concentrated heat. Since I stay in my office most of the day at home, it's nice to just keep the one room warm and toasty. The bonus is that is feels like heat from a fire, so it's extra cozy.

3. Bring in a blanket

Regardless of whether or not you can use a space heater at your office, chances are no one is going to mind if you stash a blanket at your desk. I remember the days of thin tights and not-warm-enough dresses at my previous office job and my desk blanket was a life-saver! Actually probably more like a toe-saver or a legs-saver.

Who doesn't want to be this warm and cozy while working??

4. Stay focused with an oil diffuser

Oil diffuser

This little guy is nestled among my paints, right next to my desk and is perfect for tending to my mood. Here are some ideas for essential oils you can diffuse, depending on how your day is going:

  • Unfocused = Peppermint, peppermint + orange, rosemary

  • Stressed = Any pine scent, lavender, chamomile

  • Sleepy or sad = Anything citrus

  • Anxious = Bergamot, lavender, pine scents

5. Bring on the greenery

Plants just make you feel better. Clearly I'm not amazing at taking care of them (I blame Christmas break), but I love having them around, especially when the only color happening outside my window is brown. Take a look at this article to find office-friendly, no-fuss plants you can buy.


That wraps up all the essentials, but some other ideas of what you could add to your office include: art and photos that make you happy, warm slippers, a candle, or a furry pet if you work from home ;)

If you're interested in learning how to set up a workspace at home that you love, check out my DIY office!

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